UK Radio Stations

Radio station

BBC Cumbria

BBC Radio Cumbria

Country: United Kingdom, Carlisle
Genre:Local Service
Phone:+44 1228 592444
External Live StreamFormatBitrate

BBC Radio Cumbria is part of the network of around forty BBC local stations across England.

We began broadcasting as BBC Radio Carlisle in 1973, changing our name to BBC Radio Cumbria nine years later.

The station is currently the top performing BBC local service in England.

Every week more than a third of people in Cumbria tune in.

We're a speech based service with a wide range of programmes - the common factor being that they're for and about Cumbria.


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Favorite song track a movie: Take My Breath Away (Top Gun, the original)
Ian Timms is a very good and professional broadcaster far better in my opinion to the presenters from Newcastle and Lancashire who have been used to replace him. I hope he returns somewhere on tbe network soon his humour is missed.
I am so disillusioned listening to radio from 10pm , as you join Lancashire (Gillie is rubbish) bring back Ian Timms. I have only found him tonight on Bay Radio please bring him he is more professional than this other guy Gillie will ever be.
For goodness sake all holidays should be banned. Aircraft are the worst producers for carbon emissions. 50,000+ gallons of fuel per flight depending on the travel. Aircraft are the biggest producers to aid in climate change. May should be nice and warm but what do have a very cold May and plants being killed. Close all aircraft borders except for trading purposes.