Radio station

- NRG 91
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#1 Hit Music Station Central Greece.
NRG.91 is a contemporary music radio station in Larissa motivated by a passion and love for foreign music. The NRG project makes a difference in foreign music; that's why it broadcasts the number 1 hits 24 hours NonStop.
Pioneering in the fields of technology and program quality, it finds a response from a large portion of the Thessaly audience, making the 91 FM frequency a favorite among listeners and one of their top choices.
NRG.91's first broadcast on October 1, 2016, brought something different to Larissa, a new radio breath with new ideas for radio, hence the name N.R.G | Next Radio Generation.
Technological innovation is significant, making NRG.91 one of the first radio stations in Greece. NRG.91's reach covers Thessaly and the Larissa coastline and globally via NRG91.GR on the internet.
NRG.91 is the first choice among the age groups it targets; therefore, it continuously develops, evolves, and adapts to the era's trends in music and communication with the audience.

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